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I wonder if I solved Twists and Turns in the intended way: (ROT13) V whfg chfurq gur ubybtenz oybpx bar gvyr orybj gur pebff whapgvba, gura tb sebz gur obggbz gb chfu vg hc vagb gur whapgvba, gura chfurq vg gb gur evtug. Gur cngu gb gur gbc-evtug bs gur whapgvba vf abg arrqrq.

Excellent game!

Awesome game!

I have been staring at a level for half an hour now.. can't figure it out. I don't know the name of the level, so also don't know how to ask for help 🥲

Hi, I love the machanics of your game. I think you will like my game too, the mechanics are similar :-P

I'll go ahead and just ask. How do you do unfound footage?


To clarify the scope of the puzzle: the pink block has to remain on the left and the blue block on the right, and it can't ever enter the 1-square wide tunnel or you will get trapped. The problem you're really trying to solve is how to move the block down once you've got it above its target.

If you weren't hologram-proof on that level, what would you do solve it?

Is there anyway to achieve the equivalent of the above using what you've got? 

Got it!! Thank you!!

Last proper level was 🔥

this one is so far the one I had most fun, very neat, made me think a bit on some levels.

Cool puzzles! Perpetual Motion was my favourite, very satisfying to figure it out. I'd be interested to see what you can do with hologram areas of different shapes and sizes, it feels like there are a lot of possibilities!

(1 edit)

Good game!


Utterly stuck on Self Destruct but I love this game, I really like your puzzlescript puzzlers :]


For self Destruct, you push the blue column into the floor. Anyone have any hints for the level Finale?


Similar solution to Perpetual Motion, just complicated by the fact that you're undetectable to the hologram camera now